Have you ever tried matcha green tea? Whether you are new to it or a long-time fan, I have I have a recipe for you today that I can’t WAIT for you to try.
It’s packed with superfoods but tastes like a treat (really!). I came up with this recipe after dropping too much $$$ on Starbucks’ version, which isn’t as tasty or nearly as nutritious.
It’s perfect as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up and you also can drink it before your workout if you need a little oomph to get moving.
Here’s why: you’ll get a definite energy boost from the matcha, which some studies show also can increase mental focus AND the rate your body burns fat. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and cinnamon has been proven to help balance blood sugar. Win-win-win!
Not only that, but this tastes amazing. Note: Starbucks version uses vanilla syrup, but I switched that out for protein powder. If you have some vanilla stevia drops, those might work as well, or you can add a drop or two of pure vanilla extract!
Matcha Iced Protein Latte
1 tsp. organic matcha powder
¼ tsp turmeric
¼ tsp cinnamon
1 cup coconut milk (I used the milk from a carton, not a can)
1 tbsp. vanilla protein powder (or to taste)
Ice cubes
Optional: stevia or raw honey, to taste
Mix the matcha, turmeric and cinnamon together in a bowl until fully blended, and then slowly add the coconut milk, whisking as you go along to avoid clumps.
Pour the mixture into a blender, and add protein powder. Blend until frothy! Taste, and add stevia or honey if you want more sweetness – this is plenty sweet for me as-is but your tastebuds might think differently. Pour over ice cubes and enjoy.
Be sure to let me know what you think if you give this a try!
P.S. Would you love more great recipes like this? You are in luck! We’ve got PLENTY OF THEM! Our CFP program is loaded with healthy and delicious recipes. At CFP we help our clients to burn fat, build lean muscle and coach them to still enjoy life while getting in shape.
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