It’s official! Chicago Fit Performance is given the green light from government officials to open back up for business. As we reopen, our team is committed to our social obligation of safety and the well-being of our members and the communities that we serve.
The CFP Protocol is an in-depth studio reopening process which takes social distancing, facility disinfecting and modified exercises programming into consideration to ensure that both members and staff are safe.
First, every member will be asked to wash their hands as soon as entering the gym. No outdoor shoes will be allowed on the gym floor and the bottoms of the workout shoes will also be disinfected to eliminate the transmission of viruses, germs and bacteria into the studio.
We will limit the capacity of the training group up to 10 people per session.We will have several 7’x7’ floor spaces taped off for individual members to workout in. We’re calling this the “train in place” method. During the session, each client will stay in their 8’x8’ space and only touch the piece of equipment reserved for them in their space. This eliminates cross contamination of equipment and space.
At the end of each day we will thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire studio, equipment, restrooms and surfaces to ensure the facility is clean and safe to use the following morning.
Even with these precautions in place, we realize that some of our members still may not feel comfortable coming back into the studio and that is why we’re committed to keeping our virtual online coaching available so that we can continue to serve our members at home with the same results driven workouts that CFP is known for.
We realize that as a brand we have a social responsibility to our members, staff and the communities that we serve and we’re fully committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure the safety of everyone during these unusual times.
While our exceptional personal and group training will commence business as usual, our practices with in the gym are NOT business as usual.
You have known CFP to be a very clean, sanitized space before COVID-19. We want to continue our best practices, but up our game with the following protocols and procedures to protect you and the CFP team further, as per city of Chicago guidelines and recommendations.
We ask that you please bear with us and be patient as we navigate these new uncharted waters in the coming weeks.
Private and semi-private training sessions will be staggered to control occupancy and traffic to allow for proper distancing between patrons.
Group training sessions are resuming as well but with limited times, for now.
If you have traveled outside of USA in the past 14 days, please stay home for 2 weeks and seek COVID-19 testing.
If anyone in your household has traveled outside of USA in the past 14 days, please stay home for 2 weeks and seek COVID-19 testing.
If you feel ill and have cold or flu symptoms, such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, please stay home and seek COVID-19 testing.
If anyone in your close social circle or family are ill, or have symptoms such as cough, sore throat and fever, please stay home and seek COVID-19 testing.
We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive earlier than 5 minutes, please stay in your car. Please limit your stay after your session to 5 minutes or less, and physically distance from everyone in the gym.
Please don't wear your street shoes into the workout area. Have a pair of dedicated training shoes to be used in the gym only and to be cleaned and disinfected prior to every session. (The number one way viruses and germs could be brought into the gym is through the bottom of your shoes, so please clean your shoes prior to your session.)
Upon entering the gym, please wash your hands. Notice maximum 2 people will be allowed in the bathrooms at a time.
If you need to use the restroom please use the provided cleaning material to wipe down all surfaces you touched. Please also ensure you wash your hands before leaving.
Upon entering the gym you'll be screened with a touch-free infrared thermometer. A temperature over 100.4°F most often means you have a fever caused by an infection or illness and you'll be asked to go home to rest and recover for your own, and everyone else's safety.
Please arrive to your session ready to train, in proper training attire.
We ask that you bring minimal to no personal belongings and bags into the gym.
Showers will be open but we ask you to clean well after yourself. If you are showering, please be quick and clean well after yourself.
Please bring your own water bottle since the water cooler dispenser will not be available for now.
Please bring your own towel, and take it home with you. Bath or beach towel is recommended.
As mandated by the City of Chicago, masks/face coverings are now required for all indoor public spaces. We will be adhering to this mandate and ask that you kindly wear a mask/face covering at all times while in the facility. (Here are some workout-friendly face masks to stay safe & comfortable while you sweat, that are better than the regular disposable masks)
Please distance yourself a minimum of 6 feet from everyone else upon entering the gym.
We'll have a new train in place modality. For everyone's safety, you will remain inside your designated 8’ x 8’ training area throughout the entire session. All equipment needed will be pre-staged. Should you need any equipment or exercise modifications, you will inform the Coach and the Coach will make the adjustments for you, ensuring any equipment moving from one station to another, is first sanitized.
Please wipe down and your equipment, after each use, with the provided individual spray bottles.
Use the hand sanitizer frequently during your session.
If you feel the need to cough or sneeze, please do so into your elbow, then wash or disinfect your hands immediately. Please don’t touch your face.
Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before you leave, and take all belongings. This includes shoes, water bottles, and clothing.
Because of the limited number of clients that will be allowed in at one time, it will be essential that you book your session times in advance HERE. Please be considerate and if you book a session and for some reason can't make it, cancel your reservation so you can free up the spot for someone else.
As much as we love hanging out before or after the sessions ultimately we ask you to get in, train and get out. This is the safest practice, FOR NOW.
We know how exciting it’s going to be to see everyone, and see your gym buddies. Clients will already be spaced out a minimum of 6 feet from each other , so you won’t be far and you can always say hello and virtually high five each other from afar.
PLEASE keep physical distancing in place as much as possible and wash/sanitize your hands while you are in the gym.
As the weeks go on, and we are able to see how things flow, and based on the public health guidelines, we will ease some of these restrictions.
All staff are required to take the CDC self checker prior to coming to work daily. We strongly advise all clients coming to train in the gym to do so as well for everyone's safety.
Every day at CFP we will be ensuring that the gym, turf, all equipment, and hard surfaces are cleaned and disinfected to help protect you and our CFP team. We will be taking these protocols VERY seriously.
With EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant spray and/or wipes we will:
Disinfect all training equipment and high touch surface areas immediately after each session;
Disinfect bathrooms twice a day, or more, based on usage.
We will be making sure that equipment used during the session will not be shared with other clients.
All coaches will wear non-medical masks for the foreseeable future.
We can assure you as well that every CFP trainer will be following all the protocols above, as well as strict hand hygiene between clients. We need to protect ourselves, so we can protect you.
At the end of each business day, the gym will be thoroughly disinfected with EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant wipes and spray.
If at any point during your visit to CFP you feel unsafe or that our level of sanitization and distancing needs some attention, please reach out to Kosta Shilev IMMEDIATELY – info@chicagofitperformance.com or 312-890-2668.
We know this new business landscape may be frustrating and overwhelming, but we are going to do our best to make sure everyone feels comfortable and is safe, while following the recommendations of public health to the highest standard.
We are so excited to have everyone back.
Yours in health,
Kosta Shilev, Owner and CFP Team: Hayden and Matt