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Transform & Perform 8 Week Challenge - Your Big Wins

Writer's picture: Coach KostaCoach Kosta

Every year from February through April, at Chicago Fit Performance we run our flagship Transform & Perform 8 Week Challenge. Due to the pandemic last year although we started it we couldn't complete the challenge. This year we had do adapt and make some changes to the challenge, due to the environment and Covid restrictions, but we successfully run it and completed it nonetheless. For the first time ever we offered an online option of the challenge which gave an opportunity to those who were not quite ready to return in person yet, and those who no longer lived in the city to participate. For first time ever this year we had clients from Arizona, New York and Michigan doing the challenge. We even had couple clients abroad - Costa Rica and Australia participating, which is pretty awesome!

After 8 weeks of sweat dripping hard work, the results were completely mind blowing! 43 participants altogether lost 190 lbs, and 207 inches. All that makes the 2021, the first hybrid version of our famous 8 week challenge a big success. For eight weeks, our challengers focused on daily actions that allowed them to successfully lose fat and build lean muscle. The transformation were amazing to watch and so were the relationships built through accountability and teamwork.

We’re proud of every single one of our challengers and feel overjoyed by what they all have accomplished. Not only they have transformed their bodies but they all got stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. This year as always we had some amazing prizes. The grand prize was a 6-day luxury Mexico vacation for the 5 best transformations. In order the determine the winner we took in consideration not only the total weight loss, but the overall effort and compliance with the habits, workouts and various tasks throughout the challenge, which are all keys to success and sustainable results.

Without further ado here are our 5 winners and their phenomenal transformations...

1. Mandy Woods

2. Keli Walsh

3. Adam Woods

4. Dan Binder

5. Jo Walsh

Our challengers were nothing short of inspiring. In the last eight weeks we’ve seen a lot of hard work, sweat and some tears (of happiness) and results that are well worth the effort.

Every year, we give away over incredible prizes to celebrate our clients' incredible transformations. This year was no different.

Our 5 best transformations received each a 6-day luxury Mexico vacation for two (retail value up to $1500)

Prizes are a small (but important) part of what we do here at Chicago Fit Performance.

It serves as a great external motivator to help people get started and stay consistent as they build their intrinsic motivation.

So, combine over $7,500 of external motivation...

... with the internal motivation clients find while working with a CFP coach... and you get life-changing results.


See what some of our clients have to say about their experience with us...

Although we are only mentioning our the 5 winners today, we have to say that everyone who completed the challenge this year made us proud! Also everyone who took part of the challenge has a win to celebrate! The fact that everyone have spent those 8 weeks coming to the gym or working online from home regularly and paid more attention to their eating habits, created a positive and successful mindset for themselves, and accomplished their goal is nothing short of AMAZING!

Here are some of our other transformations...

We want to thank everyone who participated in the 8-week challenge this year. With another transformation challenge under our belt, we are excited for what the rest of 2021 has in the store for us. We have planned out our new annual training program, we have gotten the I’s dotted and the T’s crossed, and we’re ready to help Chicago Fit Performance clients to get some serious results this year.

AGAIN... THANK YOU to All of the PARTICIPANTS, MEMBERS, and everyone who supported their loved ones and friends during those challenging 8 weeks!

If you haven't participated in our challenge and you want to experience results similar to those of our member, feel free to give Chicago Fit Performance a shot. If losing fat, dropping pants sizes and building lean muscle interests you, CFP is here to help! We’re also offering 14-day trial to test drive our program and to experience CFP first hand before you decide to join.

If you’re interested in taking us up on the 14-day trial, please feel free to submit an application for a STRATEGY SESSION HERE.

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