If you’ve tried to lose weight and failed, you’re probably thinking that it’s a mighty difficult task to accomplish.
Do you feel like you’ve tried every diet and exercise routine out there and nothing works?Don’t give up!
Achieving your weight loss goals might be easier than you think!
Small Changes = Big Results
The Chicago Fit Performance Transformation Program is not a “quick fix” program, its a lifestyle. We help people make a series of small changes, one at a time, whether it be a change in diet, exercise routine or mindset.
Here are 10 Chicago Fit Performance FAT loss tips to implement into your lifestyle:
1. Drink More Water – Juices are often high in sugar or chemical sweeteners. Diet drinks are questionable from a health standpoint. Give your body the water it craves and it will reward you with better health – all the way down to the cellular level. Drinking plenty of water helps keep you from consuming excess calories, too.
Click The Image Below For Your Free CFP Top Ten Tips For Fat Loss Download!
2. Eat More Vegetables – You can eat huge amount of vegetables and feel good about it. They contain antioxidant, micronutrient, and anti-inflammatory properties and should form the BULK of your diet relating to portion sizes. Make veggies a centerpiece of your meals and snacks. You should consume larger quantities and be confident that it takes a huge heap of veggies to even come close to maxing out your carbohydrate “budget” for the day.
Try to buy locally-grown vegetables for freshness, taste, and maximum nutrient value. Local produce ranks above anything even remotely-grown organic vegetables, because the health benefits are lessened when produce is picked early and transported long distances to your market.
Here is a quick list of some of the vegetables with the highest antioxidant values: beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, garlic, kale, onion, peas, red bell peppers, spinach, and yellow squash.
3. Eat Enough Protein – Your body digests protein more slowly than fat or carbs, so you feel full longer because it takes longer to burn protein than carbs or fat, your body expends more energy absorbing the nutrients in a high-protein diet. Protein is essential for maintaining muscle and burning calories. I suggest only High-quality protein from foods such as eggs, lean meat, poultry and seafood.
4. Eliminate Fast Food – Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Burger King, potato chips, crackers, Doritos etc… NO fast food!
Sorry I got a little emotional about junk food.
But it’s true!
We all know it’s terrible for us yet you drive by McDonalds at 7pm on any given night and there’s a line of cars at the drive through waiting to order a future health problem in a box!
5. Limit Sugar Intake – Consuming sweets generates a high insulin response with almost no nutritional benefit.
If you absolutely have to have something sweet in your house, you can acquire some high-cocoa-content dark chocolate. Stevia, a plant-extract with some healthy properties, can be used in moderation as a sweetener in recipes.
6. Reduce Bad Carbs – Bad carbs in the form of toxic foods and drinks are sabotaging your health and metabolism
All flour products
All sugar products
All liquid sugar calories (sodas, fruit juice, sports drinks, etc.)
All processed and factory-made foods with chemicals, preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, etc.
All grains, breads cereals.
Ditch anything that is not real food. That means anything that is processed (i.e., made in a factory) or that contains sugar in any form (including honey, molasses, agave, maple syrup, organic cane juice, or artificial sweeteners), white rice, white flour, hydrogenated oils, high- fructose corn syrup, or foods with preservatives, additives, coloring, or dyes. Be merciless!
7. Get Quality Sleep – Sleep is the most important factor in recovery. You need to get your rest to get results, I’m talking between 7-10 hours minimum. Sleep is paramount for muscle recovery, hormonal balance and most of all mental health. So put down your iPad, get off of Facebook, shut off the TV and get your rest.
8. Eat More Healthy Fats – Fat is not bad, actually its the opposite. Saturated fat packs on more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones. Polyunsaturated fats are the ones found in nuts, seeds, and fish like salmon and can help you lose belly fat. Get your daily dose of PUFAs
9. Tone Down Alcohol Consumption – Alcohol, like soft drinks, is an example of a high carb, low nutrient drink. You want to get most of your calories from healthy foods, not from unhealthy drinks. Ever hear of a beer belly? I thought so. Alcohol consumption will undermine you if you let it… so don’t let it!
10. Do CFP!
Weight Training – The Chicago Fit Performance System is built around performing functional, compound strength movements such as Squats, Push-Ups, Pulling and Pressing Movements and of course A LOT of CORE! These movements are essential your health and fitness, will build strength, change your body composition and even help with your self confidence!
The great thing about weight training is you get a lot of “bang for your buck” in a short amount of time.
Metabolic Training – Moving With Velocity, meaning moving as fast as you can. All-out sprint workouts are short in duration, burn tons of fat, build muscle, increase energy levels and even kick up that metabolism.
In the Chicago Fit Performance system we call this type of training Metabolic Training. These workouts are not only FUN they’re MAJOR FAT burners.
The world is set up for us to be un-healthy. I get it. It’s easier to pull into McDonalds with a car full of screaming kids and get dinner for the whole family than it is to figure out what to buy and how to even make something healthy.
Social media, 24 hour news networks, marketers selling the next big weight loss gimmick, organic, all natural, free-range, wild caught, the list goes on and on. We walk around with our heads spinning wondering what the hell to eat.
I’m here to tell you take deep breath, and start to incorporating some of these tips to your lifestyle. Building good habits by following the CFP Top Ten Fat Loss Tips will lead to a leaner, happier, healthier you!
If you need help with any of these tips? Looking to start a fitness program?
FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW and one of our Certified CFP Coaches will be in touch with you right away!