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Putting Together Your Own Nutrition Success Blueprint - Part 1

Dr. Gina Sirchio

You have to watch this seminar if you're frustrated with your nutrition and you're committed to finally creating a lifestyle change (and not follow gimmicks and quick fixes).

When it comes to nutrition there is so much information out there most people get confused, overwhelmed, jinxed and “played” just so that more “magical” diets can be sold. In this seminar Dr. Gina Sirchio talks about why people try to follow so many different types of plans and fail to get results. Often, they mimic the very plan a friend had success with, but don't achieve the same results themselves. This lecture will take the generic advice and make it more personal so each attendee can start to work their own necessary path to meet their goals. Will address body chemistry, foods, supplements and timing and how to put it all together.

Lecturer: Dr. Gina Sirchio, a physician that specializes in functional medicine and orthomolecular nutrition, she can help you get to the root of any health issue and help you reach your health and fitness goals. Go to today to schedule your appointment and get moving in the right direction!

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