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Writer's pictureCoach Kosta

Medgine - January Member Of The Month

We are really excited to announce Chicago Fit Performance Member of the Month for January - Medgine Coutard!

For being such an awesome client and for winning MOM, Medgine receives a Massage Gift Certificate as well as a spot on our blog.

Check out Medgine's video above and be sure to congratulate her with a great comment in the COMMENTS section below and give her a high five next time you see her at the gym!

We appreciate you Medgine!


1. How long have you been a member of Chicago Fit Performance?

About 3 years.

2. Tell us about your fitness background?

I did a span when I was going to the gym 3 days a week for almost 2 years. Then I went on so call "hiatus" and then started back with CFP.

3. Take us back to your first workout with CFP... what was it, and how did it feel?

I was supper excited at first since I was getting back to working out but then after 5 minutes into the workout I was like "what the heck did I get myself into?". But I liked it though, because it was a challenge. 4. What do you like the most about CFP and why do you think our program works?

It's mostly because it's different. You have the different types of workouts throughout the week. You also have the nutritional coaching and the motivation from the coaches. It's pretty much all around experience.

5. When did you realize that Chicago Fit Performance was right for you?

Pretty much since the first workout. I'm a person who likes challenges and how string I can possible get and the CFP program definitely pushes you towards those goals.

6. What is your favorite workout?

I'm not so much into cardio so the strength workouts are my favorite. I like anything that has to work with the glutes and I also like squats.

7. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting Chicago Fit Performance (before/after)? I'm defiantly more toned, stronger legs and uplifted glutes. I’m stronger overall.

8. What sort of changes have you seen that were unexpected?

I have more energy during the day. Dealing with work and I have a son at home the CFP training helps me keeping up with him.

9. What do you think about the coaches and the staff at CFP?

The coaches are awesome! I love the fact that they are big time motivators and you are also funny. You like to crack jokes during the workout and pick on people in a fun way of course. It makes the workout fun rather than a task.

10. How would you describe yourself in one word?


10. What is your favorite healthy food & “cheat” food?

Healthy food - Vegetables

Cheat food - Chocolate

11. What is something that we don’t know about you? (Your hobbies, interesting fact, accomplishments you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

My new obsession is making body butter. That is basically organic and natural moisturizer. Just putting those ingredients together, melting them up and seeing that nice soft texture that comes out of it it's something that I love.

12. Do you have any advice for people that are on the fence of joining Chicago Fit Performance?

If you are just starting continue. If you haven't started then you should start. It's definitely a challenge, but a healthy one. a challenge that makes you a better version of yourself. The coaches at Chicago Fit Performance are very knowledgeable not only in the training aspect of things but also nutrition. So CFP is a great place to start!

*Each month at Chicago Fit Performance we are selecting a Member of the Month. This person will be selected based on a variety of criteria ranging from accountability, motivation, team spirit, results, and more... You can get more details on how you can qualify for Member of the Month by visiting this page =>HERE<=​


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