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Debbie - June Member Of The Month

Writer: Coach KostaCoach Kosta

We are really excited to announce our Member of the Month for June - Debbie Weller!

For being such an awesome client and for winning MOM, Debbie receives a Massage Gift Certificate as well as a spot on our blog.

Check out Debbie's video above and be sure to congratulate her with a great comment in the COMMENTS section below and give her a high five next time you see her at the gym!

We really appreciate you Debbie!


1. What do you do for a living?

I work for my family business as a director of operations and human resources.

2. How long have you been a member of Chicago Fit Performance?

3 awesome years!

3. Tell us about your fitness background?

I have always been a very active person playing soccer and field hockey in high school and on a division III college level. I never tried metabolic training until I joined Chicago Fit Performance and I love it!

4. Take us back to your first workout with CFP... what was it, and how did it feel?

Wow… that first workout was hard. Since I had never done this type of training before I didn’t know what to expect. The trainers were very good about helping me with my form so I didn’t get hurt and other members were helpful too. I was very sore for the next week, but it was a good sore. I knew I was doing something good for my body.

5. What do you like the most about CFP and why do you think our program works?

Everything! Especially Tabata Wednesday. I think any program could be successful when you put in the effort. Specifically at CFP, no workout is ever the same, which means you never get bored. I’ve been a member for 3 years and I am still learning and doing new exercises. Kosta invests in his coaches and believes in continuing training education. It’s a win-win for ALL of us!

6. When did you realize that Chicago Fit Performance was right for you?

I knew for sure right away CFP was the right gym for me. I really liked the trainers, the gym environment and the other members. It took about 3 months for me to start seeing changes in my body and it was confirmed I had made the right choice. I miss CFP when I am away and can’t make it to gym.

7. What is your favorite workout or your strongest attribute?

In terms of an attribute… I never give up in my personal or professional life and I apply the same to my workouts. I like anything that gets my heart rate up like the ropes and challenging finishers. Burpees on the other-hand I could take or leave.

8. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting Chicago Fit Performance (before/after)?

I have learned a lot about healthy eating, gained lean muscle and lowered my body fat. I feel stronger, have muscle definition and can hit the golf ball farther. I love to sleep and am surprised how much I actually like getting up at 5:00 AM three days a week to hit the gym. I learned how much I enjoy working out and it makes me smile. Plus, I have made a lot of new friends at CFP that have common interests and goals.

9. What do you think about the trainers and the staff at CFP?

Kosta and his team are the best.They care about you in and outside of the gym. They want you to the best you that you can be and hold you accountable.

10. How would you describe yourself in one word?

I would describe myself as a person with integrity.

11. What is your greatest strength/weakness?

Greatest strength - personal integrity. I believe in myself and it’s Ok if I fail as I will learn fromthat experience.

Greatest weakness - if I am having a hard time making a decision I ask otherpeople for their opinions when I already know what the right thing is to do.

12. What is your favorite healthy food & “cheat” food?

Helthy food - my Isagenix protein shake after a great workout.

Cheat food - cheese andcrackers.

13. What is something that we don’t know about you? (Your hobbies, interesting fact, accomplishment you are proud of, obscure/unique talent, funny story, etc.)

Hmmm… what you know about me? I love Howard Stern and want him to be my best friend! I secretly would like to be a race car driver or private investigator.

14. Do you have any advice for people that are on the fence of joining Chicago Fit Performance?

Just do it! Give Chicago Fit Performance a try… you won’t be disappointed. Once you get past theinitial pain from your first couple of workouts you will love CFP as much as I do!

*Each month at Chicago Fit Performance we are selecting a Member of the Month. This person will be selected based on a variety of criteria ranging from accountability, motivation, team spirit, results, and more... You can get more details on how you can qualify for Member of the Month by visiting this page =>HERE<=​

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